
15 November 2011

Little Stalky Gets a New Watering Can

I recently invested in a new watering can.  I know - it's an exciting life I lead.  But with my ever growing collection of plants I thought a new watering can was necessary.  Nay, essential!  I had been using my two little green watering cans but they were simply too small.  I was having to make numerous trips between the kitchen sink and the balcony just to ensure the plant babies got their fill.  We don't have an outdoor tap so there was much hurrying back and forth.  Anyway, to get to the point, I now have a nice big 10 litre watering can.  It has a detachable nozzle thing and everything.  Now it's all well and good having a nice big 10 litre watering can but those things can be hard to control.  Things can get out of hand.  Trying to control 10 litres of water when you have small hands and wrists and arms and are generally quite small can be difficult at times.  Water sends to slosh all over the place.  Where previously I was able to aim water quite directly at the soil I now pour much more erratically.  Water sloshes over the leaves, over the pots, over the floor, over me, over the balcony.  Over the balcony is probably the key thing here.  Because over the balcony there are often other people.  Those hairdresser types that hang out below the flat.  They're often down there.  And they have such beautiful hair.  You can just imagine it.  One of them innocently hanging out some towels to dry and then taken out by a massive splash of water.  Hair destroyed in the prime of its style.  The horror.  And when they look up they'll realise it's not raining.  They'll see water dripping from the balcony.  They'll see my massive tomato plants peeking their heads out through the railings.  And then they'll realise it was me.  The girl that lives upstairs.  So when I did absent mindedly slosh water - a lot of water - over the side of the balcony and realised there could well have been someone down there I took immediate action.  I ran away.  And confessed to Mystical Roo what I had done.  Mystical Roo, wise as always, told me that I was a bad Stalky and that I must be sure to check in future.  Well I'll try but I can't guarantee anything.  I can be a bit scatty at times and easily distracted.  It's hard work taking care of plant babies, looking out for evil, horned caterpillars of doom all the while keeping on guard for attacks from Will the pigeon.  I don't think I can be held responsible for persons who may or may not get a watering.  Honestly, who let me loose with a watering can.


  1. More information on 'how to water plants' may be obtained from The International Plant Watering Association, Niagara Falls, Canada.

    Or go to

  2. I reckon that new watering can is bigger than Little Stalky.

  3. Dear Little Stalky, I have an award for you on my blog. Pick it up, visit the little darling or bow out entirely. Just wanted to say well done. Cheers -Kelly


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