
25 October 2011

The Gas Leak

Over the weekend, me and the gang - or rather the gang and me - set about moving furniture from Ammy and Treacle's flat to what will now be Ammy and Treacle's house.  We've done a fair few moves in our time here in Australia and as always I try my best to be helpful but more often than not just get in the way.  I did offer vague assistance with the moving of a fridge (no tiny skateboard this time) but was relieved when Monster Noggin arrived to help maneuver the thing up some stairs.  I'm not known for my strength, coordination or balance so moving a massive fridge is not really on my list of skills.  But this isn't about the fridge.  This isn't even really about furniture at all.  This is about gas.  And I'm not talking dried apricots.  Actual don't-light-a-match style gas.  We'd all caught a whiff of the gas in the corridor by the flat but hadn't thought that much of it because Ammy said she'd smelt the gas before and reported it to the estate agents.  We continued moving furniture, going up and down in the lift, back and forth in the car and we continued to smell the gas.  We even joked at one point that it was the gas that was making us all giggly and weird.  It wasn't that kind of gas either.  It just so happens that we're all giggly and weird.  So when we'd finished moving we forgot about the gas.  Mystical Roo, Monster Noggin and I decided to hit the beach for a surf.  Monster Noggin had a new wetsuit to break in, Mystical Roo is officially addicted to surfing and I had a book that needed reading.  So when we drove past the flat we were intrigued to see the presence of a fire engine and about four firemen lurking outside.  We all exchanged knowing nods.  It was the gas!  Whilst we were out at the beach, Treacle returned to the flat to lock up and pumped the firemen for information.  Apparently someone else - not us - had moved out about a week ago and knocked a gas tap or something on the way out.  Gas had just been pumping out for about a week.  So we really had been smelling a gas leak!  The moral of this story?  Never trust gas.  Gas, in its various forms, is rarely a good thing.  If something smells funky - blame it on the gas!


  1. Sounds like you all had a lucky escape. Always trust your nose.

  2. What a gas.
    I smell something funky, I automatically blame hubby. Hey, it's my job!
    Cute blog Stalky. Enjoy the day -Kelly

  3. The blog and I thank you for your words of appreciation. I hope you enjoy my tales :)


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