
06 July 2011

Eating a Carrot That Tastes Like Soap is Stupid

Ever since not feeling very well over the weekend I have been shunning my normal snackage in favour of much healthier treats.  Now my not feeling very well may or may not have been due to too much white wine but that is still very much in debate.  Either way, it feels like my body has been craving a detox and whilst I enjoy fruit and veg, I've recently been coveting it like Golum and that ring.  I'm not an unhealthy eater per se but I do enjoy a good handful of crisps.  A cracker topped with cheese.  A pistachio nut (though with the price of them that is a rare treat indeed).  Savoury snacks.  Salty snacks.  But since the weekend I've been guzzling water, eating a huge number of oranges and steering clear of my favoured savoury snacks altogether.  By now, now being about 10.30 on a Wednesday, I would have a cup of tea on the go and one, two, three custard cream biscuits.  In reality I have a glass of water and some carrot.  And I'm not on some sort of health kick and I'm certainly not dieting; it's just what I fancy.  I'm not in the mood for a cup of tea.  I'm not in the mood for biscuits.  I want water and carrot apparently.  The thing is I don't think my carrot is actually a carrot.  It looks like a carrot.  Smells like a carrot.  But it doesn't really taste like a carrot.  It actually tastes a bit like soap.  Not that I've had much experience eating soap but it has a kind of soapy aftertaste like if you accidentally swallow your shampoo when rinsing your hair.  Or randomly put your finger in your mouth after washing your hands.  I don't know who actually does this kind of thing but I feel that I know what soap tastes like.  And my carrot tastes like soap.  And the weird thing?  Weirder than having a carrot that tastes like soap?  Or soap shaped like a carrot?  I keep eating the damned thing.  I'm not really enjoying it and its non carrot like taste but I won't leave it alone.  Is it because it's just there.  Innocently sat on the little yellow chopping board (woo little yellow chopping board).  Probably.  But then I'm ever the optimist and probably imagine that the next bite of carrot might actually taste like carrot and less like soap.  Ever the optimist.  Ever disappointed.  Who the hell is growing carrots that taste like soap?  Is there a market for carrots like this.  Yuck.  I need to step away from the carrot.  Get rid of it.  Hell, the compost  bin is only a few steps away.  I should stop eating the soapy carrot and put it to good use.  I have attached a photo of the the offending carrot on the little yellow chopping board so you can see how much I've eaten.  Please note, this was a massive carrot.  I'm talking HUGE.  So I did actually eat a lot of it.  I might actually be eating some right now.  That's it.  I'm over it.  The carrot is going in the compost bin!  


  1. It must be one of those carrots grown on the great natural soap prairies of Lifeboyville (just south of Dove-on-the-Foam).

  2. Hmm, sickness, food tasting like soap - is there something you are trying to tell us?

  3. i have this same problem!!! all carrots i eat taste like soap! although i am also not very well (no not pregnant!) and all my family are sharing around carrots talking about soap but im the only one to taste it. your blog did make me giggle alot as its exactally what im thinking at the moment. glad im not alone!

  4. I'm glad I'm not alone too. Carrots really do taste like soap!

  5. Yes, I am eating carrots right now. And they taste like shampoo or perfume/fragrance. It's not unusual. Kalamata olives also taste like shampoo. You can buy them in the supermarket. They taste like detergent. LOL


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