
13 December 2011

Little Stalky's Freaky Arms

I've known for a while that I have freaky arms.  What I didn't know is that my parents were unaware that I have freaky arms.  I thought of all the people they would have been the ones to know that I have freaky arms.  I thought that maybe one of them had freaky arms and it was inherited.  I thought I must have exhibited freaky arm behaviour as a child.  But no.  Bear Z and Rabby discovered the true nature of my freaky arms when it came up in conversation at a cocktail bar.  How did this come up in conversation?  I have no idea.  One minute we're drinking wine and the next minute I'm demonstrating the true nature of my freaky arms.  Look mum!  I'm bendy.  And I'm sure you're wondering why my arms are freaky.  What is it, Little Stalky, that makes your arms freaky.  Do you have a bearded arm?  Is your arm ridiculously strong?  Can your arm be fired from a cannon?  No!  This is not circus stuff people.  This is just your run of the mill freaky arms.  A party trick, if you will.  Imagine this.  Stretch both arms out in front of you and touch the backs of your hands together.  Now, with the backs of your hands touching, get your elbows to touch.  I can almost guarantee that you won't be able to do it unless you too have freaky arms.  I've only met one other person in the whole entire Stalky world who can do this with her arms and she lives in England.  It freaks people out, touching your elbows like that.  Then people actually start to examine my arms and realise that yes, my arms are possibly a little bit of a funny shape. Bent in an odd way.  Bumpy, lumpy.  Freaky.  I have freaky arms.  I'm pretty sure that both Bear Z and Rabby were freaked out by my freaky arms but I was freaked out by the fact that for 26 years, neither of them knew about my freaky arms.  I've had freaky arms for as long as I can remember.  The only question that remains unanswered is how I discovered this party trick in the first place!  Or more importantly,  how did I take this photo of myself?  Freaky indeed.  


  1. Is there a club, or a web site, where I can learn more about this? Have you discovered any advantages to having Freaky Arms? Is there a pub, maybe, called The Freaky Arms?

  2. Your arms were not freaky when you were a child. That only happened when you started swinging from the trees...


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