
06 April 2012

The Quiet Life

The next few blog posts will no doubt consist of me talking about things I'm discovering in the city.  Well, discovery number 1.  Surprisingly, I am finding living in the city to be a much quieter experience than living in the country.  I thought that we'd have more noise from the traffic crossing the bridge and maybe the dozens of neighbours who live above us, below us and either side of us.  But no.  It's been utterly peaceful.  So peaceful in fact that the only sounds I hear is the tweeting of the birds.  And - very importantly - not a pigeon in sight.  Last night I heard a boat horn but that was it.  In our previous flat there were constant disturbances.  Thursday night karaoke night, Friday night band night, Saturday night drunk night.  There were the massive coal trains that seemed to cause the whole town to vibrate.  There were the hoons who would constantly rev their engines and play loud music.  There were the non existant neighbours who, when they did turn up, made their presence known by blocking me in the house with their car and a cleverly positioned clothes horse, spraying me and my washing by watering their plants and thundering up and down the stairs like a herd of elephants.  So far I've yet to even see a neighbour.  So that's point number one.  City life appears to be fairly quiet!

1 comment:

  1. Are you sure this is Sydney Australia, and not Sydenham Devon.


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