
31 August 2012

A Sad Day for Stalky's Plants

The plants in happier times...
I'm ashamed, disappointed, close to devastated, to admit that all but one of my plants have died since moving to the city.  This turn of events has me deeply saddened.  My plants have kicked the bucket and sloped off to the compost heap in the sky.  Considering all the things we went through - horned caterpillars of doom, the first blossoming of potential lemons, chillies that finally turned red, tomatoes that planned world domination - it feels like a great loss to me to finally admit that yes indeed they are all dead.  And at first I blamed myself.  I had traumatised them with the move.  I had neglected to introduce them to the new neighbourhood.  But honestly, I didn't understand what had gone wrong.  The watering schedule had been adjusted according to season and they were still being fed regularly.  I continued to talk to them and offer them words of support.  But leaves began to wilt, branches began to fall and I watched in horror as my army of plants toppled over.  Even the mighty mint has perished.  The mighty mint that grew into such a beast.  The only survivor is the rosemary and he now has pride of place on the balcony where I'm determined to keep him going.  The sad thing is I still haven't managed to let my lemon tree go.  Even though the leaves are all gone and the branches are brown I still check to see if anything might be blossoming.  I have discussed my woes with Rabby who concluded that the demise of my plants is most likely due to the positioning of our new balcony.  The plants died because they weren't getting enough sunlight.  The one thing I can't control (short of moving again) is the positioning of the damned balcony.  So for now I'm having to put my green thumbs on hold until me move again to sunnier lands where the plants can live in peace.  I still have my indoor plants - the peace lily and the unidentified dangly thing - and the rosemary is still going strong.  For now this will have to do.


  1. So, now you understand why city shops, cafés, and municipal buildings all have plastic potted plants.

  2. I think you have achieved the impossible in killing off your mint! Don't feel guilty (although I always feel guilty when I accidentally cut flower heads off with over zealous dead heading); you will just have to wait until you have a sunny aspect again.


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