Today I have been interfering with radio waves. Yes, I am an all powerful Stalky. Though I imagine it's only my own radio waves that I've been messing with. But if anyone out there was getting a dodgy signal at about 08.30 this morning (that's Australian Eastern time) then please feel free to blame me. I was pottering around this morning and as I'd decided to grace the masses with my presence, thought I'd better put some make up on. Don't want to scare anyone or anything. I've still got mozzie bites on my face you know. So with Mystical Roo having left in the very, very early hours of the morning I put the radio on for company. I never seem to have any issues with the signal but this morning it was noticeably crackly. There's something about a crackly radio that is very frustrating. Especially when you get three or four shows trying to compete for your attention. You try to tune it out but the vague noise makes you concentrate harder to try and work out what is being said. And that's just asking for trouble. If you concentrate all of your attention on the fractured sound coming from the radio you're bound to get a mascara wand in the eye. So I continued to do my make up, hoping the radio would sort itself out, whilst pondering how much effort would be involved to find my i-pod instead. Too much effort evidently as I never did go to fetch it from the front room. It was after a few minutes of crackly behaviour that I established it was me that was affecting the sound quality of the radio. My proximity to said radio was directly impacting the noise. If I stood up and went to look at it the thing worked fine, but as soon as I sat down again to do my make up it went all loopy on me again. If I moved from side to side the sound became even more erratic. It was like I was in the way of radio waves. Like I was distorting the sound with my jigging. Well honestly. I can't be doing with erratic radios. If I can't sit and do my make up without the radio having a hissy fit then there's a problem. It's never done it before so I'm not sure what had changed to make it so angry. Maybe I haven't been paying it enough attention. Or maybe it's yet another household item that has gone over to the dark side. The dark side led by none other than the rogue washing machine. Gone from the flat, but somehow still influencing others from afar. I will not be pushed around by my household appliances. No I will not. So I sat there, finished doing my make up and listened to the radio as it jumped from station to station. There were no winners this morning but I feel I made my point!
Undo the bit where the batteries go. Give it a good shake, and see if any Land Dwelling Shark eggs fall out. They get everywhere, and can really muck up radio signals!