
09 December 2010

Bitey Beasties

Did I mention that I don't react well to being bitten?  But then, who does.  You can't just go around nibbling folk and not expect a reaction.  So with summer here I'm having to fend off attacks from some of the worst of the bitey beasts - the mozzie.  Yes, you could argue that a shark, maybe even a croc, are the worst of the bitey beasts but it's the mozzies that have so far given me the most grief.  And when I say I don't react well to being bitten I mean I literally don't react well. I have some kind of allergic reaction in fact, that sees the bitten part of my person swell to seemingly impossible proportions and itch like crazy.  Last year they got me on the feet, which resulted in huge swelling that actually made me look like a hobbit.  The skin was stretched so tightly that it made it hard for me to walk and the itching was so bad that it made me want to sit with my feet in cold water.  I actually couldn't even get my flip flops on and had to reveal my true height at work as there was no way I could wear heels.  Mystical Roo had to piggy back me to the chemist so we could get some antihistamines.  On Tuesday night I got some of my first bites of the summer and I cursed myself for not protecting myself better.  Mystical Roo and I had gone out for a bite of our own and were sat outside with our drinks.  We had plans to head back inside when our food arrived but kind of never got round to it.  Therefore we ended up outside, in the dark, under a tree, not wearing any bug spray!  I might as well have just served myself up on a platter.  Come on mozzies, it's a free for all.  Because they like the taste of me you see.  They can't resist a bit of Stalky yumminess.  They got me on the knee.  The knee!  So now I have two golf ball sized lumps on one knee, which make me look a little bit random to say the least.  I suppose it's better than the foot.  It's inspired me to venture off into town in search of more bug spray, bug cream and some sweets.  The sweets aren't really bug related.  I just like sweets.   


  1. Maybe it's the sweets that make you so tasty and irresistable to the mozzies. (P.S. Stop scratching those bites NOW!)

  2. It's almost winter where I live, but they eat me alive during the summer. I write a blog about things that bother me. I think I may add these little devils to my blog.

  3. They are highly bothersome and will pester me all summer long. I think some of us are obviously very tasty!

  4. Eat plenty of RAW garlic, and plenty of Marmite (not Vegimuck). You'll never be bitten again (or have many friends).


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