
09 January 2012

Little Stalky's Shocking Discovery

I currently have three tomato plants on the go at the moment.  Two Baby Romas and one Baby Cherry.  The word "baby" is, in my opinion, a ridiculous adjective for these plants as all three of them are monsters.  Monsters.  The "baby" Romas are so big that they had to be strapped to the railings of the balcony in order to stop them from toppling under their great weight.  A stick was not enough.  No, they needed full on, metal support.  Baby?  I don't think so. But monsters or not, that has not stopped this bad boy from taking up residence in a tomato.  Look at the size of him!  We'd become aware of the fact that there was something - probably a horned caterpillar or doom - munching holes through tomatoes.  I wasn't impressed.  I wasn't happy.  But I did not expect to see this thing!  There he was, in the middle of the day, face down in tomato, ass up in the air, completely unaware that fists were being shaken in its general direction.  This greedy little (the term little and baby are just being thrown around here today) caterpillar had been gorging on this one tomato for so long that his ass had gone all dry in the sun.  He'd burnt his bum in favour of food.  In my humble opinion I think that caterpillar had eaten so much tomato that his burnt bum had then become too massive to actually remove from the aforementioned tomato.  That fat ass caterpillar just couldn't move.  And that is what happens when you eat too many of someone else's tomatoes.  You get a fat ass and then you get stuck face down in tomato.  Unfortunate yes.  Unfortunate to the point where I think I actually took pity on that caterpillar.  Felt bad for the fact that he had a burnt backside.  But he had to go.  I had to think of my plants.  And whilst I've been known to go at the caterpillars with my secateurs I just couldn't bring myself to do it to the burnt bottomed caterpillar.  Instead he went over the balcony.  Away from my tomatoes.  Now it's up to him to defend himself.  And possibly go on a diet.

1 comment:

  1. He reminds me of something from 'Alice' who smoked a hookah pipe!


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