
22 January 2012

Will is Overthrown

I've not made mention of that feral pigeon in quite a while now but Will, as he is more commonly known, has been about and up to his usual tricks.  Until now.  It appears - and I don't want to jinx it - but it appears that Will has been overthrown by a massive posse of cockatoos.  I have never known cockatoos to hang around our neck of the woods but for the past week they've been flying in and taking over the place.  It's always the late afternoon and early evening and they arrive like clockwork.  These birds are fairly large and they seem to fly in packs.  They also make on hell of a racket.  They squawk when they fly, they squawk when they land.  They squawk when they're sitting still.  And this isn't a gentle cooing or a melodic bird tune.  This is full on screeching.  They're possibly the noisiest birds in the world.  So they fly in, noising up the place before performing a variety of acrobatic tricks.  You've got cockatoos hanging from branches by their beaks, cockatoos spinning around electricity wires, low flying cockatoos that skim your head.  It's a cockatoo circus.  They're like a rowdy gang.  And they're a rowdy gang who have totally taken over Will's territory.  I haven't seen that pigeon in days.  He's obviously gone into hiding.  The question now is whether or not Will will return.  And if he doesn't, does that mean the gang of cockatoos is here to stay?  


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