
02 June 2014

Possums Like to Party

So we've been in our new home for a couple of months now and one of the most exciting discoveries so far is that we have possums.  I think this must be very English of us to be excited about possums because I'm pretty sure that the Australians see them as pests.  And if what my boss tells me is true, the Kiwis shoot them and collect a dollar per pelt.....

Anyway, I'm English and I think possums are cute.

They made their presence known quite early on but it took me a while to realise what they were.  Or rather that it was possums making all the noise on top of our conservatory. I thought it was branches clattering, Will the pigeon, maybe even a rogue land dwelling shark.  But it turned out to be possums.

The sun goes down and the possums come out to play.  They scuttle across the conservatory roof and then leap from tree to tree.  I'm not sure if I'll ever stop being fascinated by their antics.  And I think they secretly love the attention.  Shy, nocturnal creatures?  Hell no.  Possums are party animals.  Stalky fans may remember that Mystical Roo found one asleep in a bin after a heavy night of partying.  And a notorious little karaoke bar down the road from us is called the Pickled Possum.  Coincidence?  I think not.  Possums like to party.  And as it goes they like to party on our roof.


  1. You may not feel quite so 'English' about them when you find half a dozen partying in your bed.

  2. A dollar per pelt? I shall bring my possum catcher with me in November (he's pretty good at catching moles so I reckon he can cope with a few possums).

  3. Can you get rid of the robot number thingy?


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