Ok, so walking home from work when it's nearly dark isn't the best idea. Shortly you'll see a pattern forming where I try to avoid paying $10 for a taxi and subsequently get myself into some sort of adventure. Ahem. For the record, walking home from work it wasn't properly dark, it definitely wasn't late and I don't live in what would be considered a dangerous part of the world. Except for the sharks of course but I've yet to meet a shark on my walks to and from work. Any hoo, walking home from work I had come prepared having stolen Mystical Roo's fluorescent jacket (I do have my own clothes but often his are more practical) and also his torch. Heading up the hill, not listening to my i-pod, making sure I was super alert, I kept away from the bushes, away from parked cars and walked towards oncoming traffic. Then began what can only be described as Ninja tactics. Swish the torch to the left, to the right. All safe, no crazies lurking in the bushes. Swish the torch up ahead. All safe, no crazies up front. Swing around super fast and swish the torch behind me. All safe, no crazies creeping up from the rear! This is the routine I generally keep up for most of my journey. As well as being aware of my surroundings I think I thought my Ninja moves would certainly scare anyone off. Lets take into account that at this point I'm walking through a nice residential area where families are having dinner and people are coming home from work. In retrospect whilst avoiding the crazies I successfully managed to look like a crazy myself. Still, I continued my torch swishing, checking, swishing, checking, whilst walking swiftly and confidently. Eyeing everyone suspiciously, including the school kids, I heard fast approaching footsteps from a nearby driveway. Ninja Stalky took over and I was immediately on guard, holding my torch defensively, prepared to shine a beam of light into whoever is daring to invade my personal space! The poor man jogging away from his house looked more scared than I did and promptly sprinted away from the mad fluorescent jacket wearing, torch wielding woman. You shouldn't go walking in the dark. You never know when you might run into me!