
30 May 2010

Coat Hangers - Are They Evil?

Yes. Yes they are. And El Kenco will agree with me on this one. Coat hangers, as useful as they may be, were possibly put on the planet to push people over the edge. It's like when you try to pull something out of your wardrobe and the simplest task turns into a battle of wills between you and the coat hanger of doom! And then they gang up on you, clinging to each other so that when you do finally manage to wrench your item of clothing free, about five coat hangers fly out with it. You just know that they're going for the face. Or possibly the throat! Then you try and put those attacking coat hangers back on the rack but no, the ranks have been closed and you can't get the buggers to stay put. Finally, with your garment free from the clutches of demonic coat hangers, bent on taking over the world and with angry mobs of coat hangers returned to the wardrobe, they start to rise up, dropping clothes from every angle. Every bit of clothing you pick up and try to rehang is subsequently flung from the coat hanger, taking other items of clothing with it. So now you have a pile. A pile of trousers, skirts and jumpers, looking all sad and dejected under a pile of angry coat hangers. All this and you're already late, have had an argument with your hairbrush and had to skip breakfast. Yes, coat hangers are evil.

1 comment:

  1. Ah you forgot about the other evil coat hangers that hide on the bed or the floor and hurt like hell when you stand or sit on them!


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