It's sometimes difficult being an unmarried twenty-something, especially when it comes to "declaring your marital status". Life seems to consist of much form filling-in and inevitably you have to tick the box that tells the world whether you're single, married, widowed or divorced. Ummm, how about none of the above? Ok, so normally I get to tick the defacto box (I still have no idea what that means), or the cohabiting box but NOT when I took a trip to Tobago. Oh no. We were actually in Tobago for El Kenco's (aka little sis) wedding. After a ten hour flight from England, after a day or so's rest from a 24 hour flight from Australia, with jet lag all over the shot, on arriving in Tobago we were asked to fill in a little card with details of our country of origin etc. This threw me anyway because as an English Stalky living in Australia, I had no idea what to put. But seeing those little boxes asking about my marital status, well that just sent me into a spin. I believe there were three options. 1) Married. 2) Widowed. 3) Spinster. What? What?! I'm neither married nor widowed but have been courting Mystical Roo for over six years now. How does this make me a spinster?! Oh the horror of it all. I grudgingly had to tick that dirty little box. I had to officially declare myself a spinster. Well I'm setting the record straight. I'm not a spinster. I'm a Little Stalky. And I have a Mystical Roo. And he has me.
de facto: "in practice but not necessarily ordained by law" About time Mr Roo made it legal!
ReplyDeleteYes tis very unfair that women are Spinsters but men get the cool sounding Bachelor when they're single