Man Flu Myth?
At the risk of upsetting any fellow ladies out there, I would like to take the time to flu. I got to thinking about this whilst hobbling around the house with a sore thigh, thinking how I must tell Mystical Roo about by boo boo and possibly obtain sympathy for my boo boo. Mystical Roo makes an excellent nurse and administers appropriate care to Little Stalkys with boo boos. In fact, he's such a good nurse that he often refuses to be nursed himself. It takes a hell of lot for Mystical Roo to complain about anything. He just gets on with it. Snot? Get me some cheap bog roll, I don't need soft tissues! Headache? What headache? Chopped my hand off? I'll take a pneumatic claw thank you. He just handles it. Me on the other hand...well, it's not that I'm looking for sympathy, it's just that my boo boos are really bad. Snot? Balmy tissues, a hot bath and some cream please. Headache? I need paracetamol, ibuprofen and a cool flannel on my forehead. Chopped my hand off? God help you all. My hips click, my knee plays up in the cold and wet, I can't handle a hangover, I sneeze when confronted with pollen, dust...antiperspirant spray. And poor Mystical Roo hears about all of this. Mystical Roo my knee hurts. Mystical Roo my nose is itching. Mystical Roo I have a bruise. Mystical Roo make it all better! Mend my boo boo! So I guess man flu might exist but it's not Mystical Roo suffering this affliction but Little Stalky.
And I thought I was alone.... sorry, I'm having to type with one hand.