Whilst walking home from work last night (not in the dark) I got to pondering about practical and impractical attire. It seems that when a situation arises that requires sensible clothing I end up diving into Mystical Roo's wardrobe rather than my own. Last night I was wearing Mystical Roo's fluorescent jacket. When it gets really cold I steal Mystical Roo's big thick hoodies. If my assistance is required in the warehouse then I borrow Mystical Roo's t-shirts and jumpers. Poor Mystical Roo must wonder where half his clothes go sometimes. I must say I look spiffingly good dressed in over sized gear, particularly when it's fluorescent. I had a good street urchin look going on the other day that drew many a stare from the men in white vans. Dressed in Mystical Roo's t-shirt, fleece AND fluorescent jacket I looked like a child dressing up with spindly arms and legs just visible under a mass of material and safety gear. Yes I'm cool. But it does the job and whilst I may not look fantastic, I succeed in being warm, keeping my own clothes clean (sorry Mystical Roo) and giving off a luminous glow when when walking towards oncoming traffic. At the opposite end of the scale, a night out with the girls will inevitably involve skirts and impossibly high heels. So of course I'm cold, my feet hurt and I'm incapable of moving anywhere at speed. I seem to go from one extreme to the other. Is there a happy middle ground? Maybe I should try investing in some practical clothes of my own. If they actually fit me then I would look less like a hobo and more like a Stalky.
I would love to see a photo!