You may remember that I get highly frustrated with guests when I ask them the colour of their vehicle. A simple question that somehow generates the most complex of responses. And don't even get me started on the burgundy. I no longer drink, ha ha ha. Any how, today at work, this question has been once again causing great Little Stalky frustration. Not only because people can't simply refer to their car as gold, but champagne, but because most people today seem to have totally missed the question. The colour and the make of your vehicle? Um, it's a Mazda, 3x, something, something, 4 door, whatsit, blah de blah de blah. And pause. Pause. Sigh (from me). And the colour? Oh! Ummmmmmmmm. Christ! He knows every fricking detail about the car - which I don't care about or need to know - but doesn't know the colour. This has been happening all day. It's like people just miss the question. All I want is silver ford, blue holden (that's a vauxhall for those back in the UK), red (don't you dare say burgundy) volvo. In fact, I don't even need that. Just blue van or green ute would be fine. Why on earth would I need to know the year of your vehicle, or the engine size, or whatever else it is that gets spouted at me that has no meaning. Why do people think I ask this question? To compare vehicles? I walk to work by the way. To show off their car know how. I'm not Jeremy Clarkson. We just want to be able to identify the car. So if someone rings me and says there's a red car, rego number whatever, climbing a tree I can then ring the owner and advise them their car is climbing a tree. That is all. Maybe I should ask for the make and the colour of the car. Or even what's the make of the car and the colour? Put the word colour right at the end so they can't forget. I've taken to just getting the rego number and looking out the window to fill in the rest for myself. So that's a blue car you've got there, great and I've typed it in so fast there's no time to interrupt. Mwah ha ha. I am cunning and fiendish indeed. Perhaps it was the chesty cough and the cold that's been thwarting people today. Maybe all they hear is cough, cough cough, what's the cough and make of your vehicle. I suppose that would explain a few things. Still, I shall not take the blame for this. Certainly not when there are people out there referring to their vehicles as lavender. Who chooses lavender anyway!
Do you get a lot of cars climbing trees in Oz? I thought it was just koala bears.