
15 February 2011

Scary Staring Dude

The first time I saw scary staring dude was whilst having lunch at a cafe with the rest of the crew.  Both Monster Noggin and I were chilled to the core by his decisively eerie presence.  Scary staring dude, I hear you ask.  Yes, scary staring dude.  He walked past us, very slowly, whilst staring with the most intense gaze you've ever seen.  He wasn't smiling, he wasn't frowning, he was just staring.  It was seriously unnerving!  And he was really tall and wearing what can only be described as a flasher coat.  One of those really long trench coats that people - who these people are I'm not sure - use to flash innocent bystanders.  Never cool!  So, scary staring dude, walked past really slowly, staring, walking, staring, walking.  Damned spooky!  And both Monster Noggin and I looked at each other as if to say, yes, you saw him too and my God wasn't he creepy!  Yes.  He continued down the pavement and we didn't see him again.  Until the other day!  I saw him whilst I was walking to work.  The same dude.  The same walk.  The same flasher coat.  But this time there was no stare.  He was just walking.  I immediately had to text Monster Noggin to tel her that I'd seen scary staring dude again.  Spooky.  And then...I saw him again today.  Again on the way to work.  But he was walking a different route and away from me rather than towards me.  But I knew it was him.  Very tall.  Same walk, same flasher coat.  Eek!  It seems to me that scary staring dude is just randomly wandering around my town, walking his walk, wearing his flasher coat and staring at folk.  Though I suppose it was only one out of the three times I've actually seen him staring.  Maybe it wasn't us he was staring at with those dark, dark eyes.  Maybe it was the cakes in front of which we were sat.  Maybe it was the cookies.  But I swear to God, when he looked at me it was like he could see into my soul.  Terrifying.  Truly terrifying.  


  1. Well it wasn't me; I'm only 6ft 1in, or is that what you'd refer to as 'REALLY TALL'?

  2. At 5"4 I guess a lot of people seem really tall to me....


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