I've decided that since living in Australia I'm far more prone to random wet patches. And I'm not talking dodgy, I think I've wet myself wet patches, or I've sat in a puddle wet patches or, a dog peed up my leg (yes that actually happened to El Kenco) wet patches. This is innocent, but arguably dodgy looking, wet patches. Most wet patches can be attributed to living next to the beach. You head down for an early morning swim, you towel off, chuck your clothes back on over the top of your still damp bikini and trot off into town for a coffee. This leads to multiple wet patches. Wet bum. Wet boobs (which is seemingly hard to type as I've thrice - what a cool word - ooh tangent - typed bet woobs.) This is somewhat problematic when going to sit down as you leave wet patches wherever you go. Problematic but not that unusual. You're obviously in your bikini. You've obviously just come from the beach. You've obviously not wet yourself. Much to the relief of all. I would say this is an acceptable wet patch that people wouldn't question. But last night when I went to get myself a pizza I had a random wet patch caused by wet hair as I'd just had a shower. With long hair hanging over your shoulder you get - yes you guessed it - a wet patch! In my case, a wet patch on the boob. Just one boob. And I couldn't help but ponder - as often I do - if this was an acceptable wet patch? Was it obvious that my hair was wet and had been hanging over my shoulder? Should I move my hair to stop the wet patch from getting bigger or would the removal of the hair take away the reason for the wet patch and make the wet patch inexplicable and random? Would it appear that I had a randomly wet boob? Was too much thought going into this when I should have been focusing on pizza? Probably. But then whilst wandering on my own I get bored and then my mind starts wandering too. Apparently it's because I'm a pisces. An ironic pisces I might add, what with my fear of fish. And look, another tangent. Typical fishy behaviour. So it's only appropriate that I have random wet patches.
I wonder who invented the Wet Teeshirt Competition.... ?