
12 June 2011

Inexplicable Scarecrow Activity

Yesterday, Mystical Roo and I made the return trip home from Melbourne.  This time we decided to go the scenic route, which involved many, many trees, spooky mist, the odd lake and definite kangaroo action.  It was indeed pretty but after leaving Melbourne at about 09.30, it wasn't until 21.30 that we actually got back home.  A long day.  It became somewhat eerie travelling once the sun had set as the little country towns nestled in the valleys seemed to shut down.  It wasn't even 18.00 when windows began to darken, the streets emptied and the petrol stations closed their doors.  This was a problem when the fuel light came on but luckily for us we were able to find a BP along the road.  It seemed strange though that on a Saturday night, of the bank holiday weekend no less, that the towns seemed devoid of life.  Strange?  Or downright sinister?  I don't think I would have been that suspicious until we came across a town about an hour or so from home.  Things were carrying on as usual.  It was dark.  There was no one about.  Mystical Roo and I were listening to a podcast whilst munching on sweets.  Then I saw the first person I'd seen in a long time.  An actual person out in the dark and on the street.  It appeared to be a girl.  With blonde hair.  And she was leaning against a letter box.  Then on closer inspection it appeared she was actually tied to the letter box.  Then, on even closer inspection, it turned out not to be a girl at all but a really freaky looking scarecrow.  Tied to a letter box.  What the?!  Who ties a scarecrow to a letterbox?  What would you hope to achieve?  To keep the postman away from the letters.  Well that's just silly.  I remarked to Mystical Roo that I had seen a weird scarecrow but he seemed to think it was innocent enough.  That was until we saw the next one.  This one was strapped to a lamppost.  It was all eerie under the glow of the light and seemed to be pointing at the car as we passed.  It was at this point I decided that there was definitely something afoot.  Something weird and village like.  I fully expected someone to charge the ute with a pitchfork and possibly a flaming torch.  I wouldn't have been surprised if a big ass werewolf leapt in front of the car.  I pictured zombies lurching along behind us.  Then there was another one!  And this one was the most freaky because it looked so life like.  Strapped to a fence with its head lolling to one side.  This was a messed up town and I informed Mystical Roo, in no uncertain terms, that he should put pedal to the metal and get us the hell out of there.  I know a weird situation when I see one and I refuse to submit to the stereotypical role of female in a car and get out, investigate the weird situation only to be hit round the head with a chair leg.  Yes, a chair leg!  When faced with inexplicable scarecrow action, particularly in the dead of night, there's only one thing to do and that's haul ass out of there.  Don't get sucked in!  You're an outsider and they know it.  You're not local and the scarecrows are out to get you!  I swear to God that I had to keep looking back over my shoulder and make sure the damned scarecrows weren't actually following us up the road.  What kind of crazy ass town does that to people?  Who is out there strapping up random scarecrows and why?  It's all very sinister and highly bizarre.  Never - I repeat never - trust a random scarecrow. 


  1. I know, you're asking 'is Cro scared of scare-Cros?'. Well, no; Cro is not scared of scare-Cros. Scare-Cros are more scared of Cro, than Cro is of the scare-Cros.

  2. I think you've been reading too much Dean Kootz! I expect it was just an annual Scarecrow Conference.


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