On Saturday, me, Monster Noggin and some of the gang went to Sydney to participate as audience members for the Australian X Factor. Now I know you'll want to hear all about that but I think the McDonalds adventure has got to come first. And with both stories demanding equal amounts of attention I felt it only right that the McDonalds tale get a post all to itself. More on the X Factor tomorrow. For now, I shall regale you with the tales of Little Stalky, Monster Noggin and the quest for the cheeseburger (dramatic music, ominous goat, roll credits). At 11.30 that morning we were ridiculously hungry and knew that we were going to be sitting around for quite some time. Listening to people sing and what not. We needed feeding. And what's more we needed feeding quickly. Of course McDonalds was the obvious option. It's cheap, it's convenient and you know what you're going to get. Lets face it people, McDonalds was going to get the job done. And we were in Sydney so of course there was going to be a McDonalds close by. Monster Noggin consulted her phone which advised us that there was a McDonalds a mere few hundred metres away. Excellent. We were confident that we could navigate amongst the city dwellers and find ourselves some cheeseburger action. Yeah! We'd blend in. We were - and continue to be - chic, confident and utterly at ease amongst the city folk. No one need ever know that I have wellingtons that may or may not have walked through cow pats. So we were nattering away, dodging cars and pedestrians alike, frowning upon weird starey men in cars and thoroughly looking forward to a cheeseburger shaped reward. When we found the McDonalds we figured we'd already walked off some of the calories that a cheeseburger would inevitably force upon us. It was a very posh McDonalds. Possibly the poshest McDonalds in the world. Ever. It was like walking into a theatre with the elaborate ceiling thing going on. It felt regal. This was the city style McDonalds. Not a cow in sight. Not in the traditional sense anyway. So we strode through that posh McDonalds, we ordered our food and we scoffed like mad. Partly because we were very hungry and partly because we were conscious of not missing any of the auditions. Hurrying back with chips and drinks in hand we decided that we were definitely very clever. Navigating around Sydney. Blending in. Locating the McDonalds and then finding our way back to the entertainment centre. All by ourselves. I was proud of us. I was so proud that I was actually congratulating Monster Noggin and myself as we approached the entertainment centre. Well done us for finding the McDonalds and getting back in time for the auditions. Well done us for navigating the streets of Sydney. Well done us for finding that McDonalds which was really only a mere few hundred meters away from us. If only we'd glanced right when coming out of the entertainment centre rather than marching off to the left. Then we would have realised there was a McDonalds right next door. Epic fail.
Ha-ha-ha! (And it's metres, not meters.) Just think of the benefit of walking all those evil calories off. It's really weird though how you can eat a McDonalds in UK, Oz, France, anywhere in the world and it will always taste the same. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't Sydney have a McBruce? Roo Burgers on Vegimite-flavoured buns?
ReplyDeleteOh what? Why metres and not meters? Flag darn it!