
21 June 2011

Thwarted by an Orange

I have been officially thwarted by an orange.  An orange!  Innocent looking thing but this orange was definitely harbouring evil intent.  To tempt a Little Stalky with its orangey goodness only to put up an impossible fight.  Which I lost.  It's shameful.  I had packed an orange in my lunch and was looking forward to said orange.  Now normally I'm of the habit of slicing an orange and just munching away from the rind but, being at work, I had planned to simply peel the orange and eat it segment by segment.  Not as easy as it sounds.  Impossible as it turns out.  I set about unpeeling my orange and was surprised at how tough the peel was.  This was no clementine or satsuma.  This was a hardcore orange.  Godfather of the citrus family.  The chunky monkey of peelable fruit.  A nemesis I had never expected to encounter.  The peel of the orange was coming away in teeny tiny little chunks and I was only about half way through when my fingers actually started aching from the effort.  Aching fingers!  And my fingernails were protesting.  I'm a persistent little bugger so I kept at it.  Peeling away.  It was a frustrating process and my fingers were sticky and my fingernails were clogged with rind.  Not a good look.  I thought that if I could just break a segment off then the rest of it would be easy to get into.  But I couldn't get close.  The white bit - no idea what that is called - was simply impenetrable.  It wasn't budging for anyone.  Especially not me.  I couldn't make a dent.  And I wanted my orange!  By this time I had become highly frustrated and decided to give up on the damned thing.  No orange is worth that much trouble.  I photographed the orange, knowing I would want to share this story, scowled at the orange, threw the orange in the bin and then washed my hands of the residue of our fight.  Then I remembered that our work kitchen is actually fully equipped and I could have simply cut the thing open with a knife.  Thwarted by an orange.

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