
25 November 2010

The House Inspection

One of the things that come with living in rented accommodation is the inspection.  The time when an estate agent type person turns up to come and check out your digs and make sure you haven't trashed the place.  Now I understand the importance of this but it doesn't mean I like it.  It sends me into a super Stalky spin.  I'm very house proud, but the idea of someone poking around the place I call home makes me very uncomfortable.  I feel like I'm being judged!  Not just on general upkeep but choice of furnishings.  Does my house smell nice?  And I'm sure the estate agent type person really doesn't care about these kinds of things but I do.  Getting the letter advising an inspection is due sends me into a kind of frenzy.  I have to have a cleaning schedule.  And the cleaning schedule has to work around my shifts.  So Monday was the day of the BIG clean, Tuesday I was at work and Wednesday was the day of the inspection.  So after the BIG clean on Monday Mystical Roo was under strict instructions to not make any kind of mess in the time before the inspection.  Mystical Roo pointed out that we did have to continue living in the time before the inspection but I was having none of it.  I was up again early on Wednesday just to complete the finishing touches.  Hoover again.  Mop again.  If I'd been thinking about it I should have been doing some baking to give the flat a homely kind of smell.  Too much?  Probably.  The inspection was yesterday and all was well.  I was complimented on the upkeep of the property and my plants got a nod of approval.  Well done plants!  So now I can relax again.  Until next time!


  1. I think our house would be 'condemned' if we had an inspection. Horrible!

  2. Can't be as bad as a Mum inspection!


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