
21 November 2010

Mystical Roo to the Rescue!

As I've said before, when it rains in this country, it really bloody rains!  I woke up in the middle of the night to hear the rain literally pounding our flat.  There's a tin roof somewhere and all I could hear was huge drops of water rattling against the metal and creating what can only be described as a huge racket.  It woke up both Mystical Roo and I and then I couldn't get back to sleep because I was worrying about my plants!  I had images of them being knocked over in the wind and squished under ridiculously heavy droplets of rain.  My poor plants.  But no, I didn't get out of bed to go and check on them.  It was dark.  And wet.  And if I got up every time something worried me then I'd never get any sleep at all.  Little Stalkys are not the most chilled out of folk.  So I was finally able to doze off and when my alarm went off the next morning the first thing I had to do was check on my babies! Ahem, I mean my plants.  I hurried into the lounge and looked out to see that the balcony had once again become a kind of swimming pool.  A lake.  An ocean of rainwater.  A big bloody puddle!  It always happens.  The wind knocks down leaves, leaves get stuck in the drain, the drain gets blocked and the balcony fills with water.  And I know what you're thinking.  My God, Little Stalky, what happened to your babies!  What happened to the plants!  Well actually they were fine.  Happy as ever.  I guess they can handle more of the weather than I thought, though I am careful to keep them out of the wind.  The thing that did have me concerned was the fact that they were surrounded by about an inch of water.  Although the plants like water, I'm sure they don't like siting in it.  I didn't want to drown them.  I had to save my babies!  The trouble was, my wellington boots - leopard print by the way - were actually outside and immersed in water.  Why were the leopard print wellies outside?  Because I'm very forgetful and have never brought them back inside after leaving them out there to dry.  So, what does one do when they have no wellies in which to wade?  They head over to the shoe cupboard and stand frowning at the flip flops and high heels, which are highly inappropriate.  Then sigh.  Then frown some more.  Then sigh again.  I forgot to mention that all of this is done in direct sight of Mystical Roo, who is innocently brushing his teeth.  The result?  Mystical Roo heroically offers to rescue the plants.  Manipulative?  Moi?  Not at all.  It hardly ever works as Mystical Roo is hardened to my damsel in distress routine.  But I think Mystical Roo wanted to save the babies too!  He couldn't let them sit there in the flood.  It was just wrong.  So Mystical Roo grabbed his shoes.  His work boots?  No.  His trainers?  No.  His wellies?  He doesn't own any.  No, Mystical Roo grabbed his sandals, rolled up his pajama bottoms and went wading out into the flood.  It was from the flood he announced to me that it was somewhat cold.  Yes, I imagine it would be.  Poor Mystical Roo.  The things he does for me.  And you'll remember this is not the first time Mystical Roo has been out in the flood.  He's heroic like that.  He was right in there, pulling mud and leaves from the drain before retrieving each plant and moving them to the safety of the table.  Out of the wind, out of the rain and out of the flood.  He gently carried each one to safety without thought for his own cold, wet feet.  I could tell the plants were grateful.  The water around his feet started to flow towards the drain but Mystical Roo had to remove another several handfuls of muck before the balcony started to clear.  It seems to me that we need better drainage but there's not a lot we can do about rogue leaves.  Mystical Roo returned to the lounge and I thanked him for his heroic efforts on behalf of me, the babies and the world.  The balcony has now completely dried out and my plants are happily chilling on the table, safe from harm once more.  Mystical Roo saves the day again!


  1. Be warned. Land dwelling sharks turn nasty in heavy rain. Given enough water, they draw in their temporary legs and take refuge up drainpipes!

  2. And I bet those damned land dwelling sharks would just love to steal my tomatoes!

  3. No, they won't touch your tomatoes - they're carnivorous.


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