I saw an advert the other day for a little robotic hoover type thing that scoots around the house, on it's own, cleaning the floors. It's name escapes me so it can't have been that great an ad but I do remember the little robotic hoover type thing. It was kind of cute and reminded me of this toy we had at school called PIP, which we could instruct to move forward, back, left and right. In actual fact the technology was very basic and after pressing a multitude of buttons PIP would move forward an inch before retiring for the day. But that was many years ago and technology has come a long way. Proved by the fact that I'm now seeing adverts for a little robotic hoover type thing that will vacuum whilst you're out and about. Sorry PIP, you've been outdone! It seemed like quite a cool idea, to have a little robotic hoover type thing pottering around, knocking another chore off of the endless list of things to do. And with my obsessive hoovering habits I'd have someone to share my passion. Oh little robotic hoover type thing, you love hoovering just as much as I do! How wonderful. We have so much to discuss. But then I wondered how much one could trust a little robotic hoover type thing. After all, I've had run ins with technology in the past. Let's not forget the hoover of doom at work! So if the little robotic hoover type thing was in control of the carpet cleaning and was free to roam about the house, would it start taking liberties? Would it become tyrannical? Would it try to overthrow Little Stalky and Mystical Roo to become top of the hypothetical food chain! And what would be the signs to watch out for? The clues that the little robotic hoover type thing had gone over to the dark side? Would the carpets be less clean? No. But I think things would start going missing. That dollar coin that Mystical Roo dropped? Sucked into the void. A misbehaving sock? Vanished! The little robotic hoover type thing would want order and would punish anything that got in the way of a clean floor. Flour on my carpet? We'll see about that. And the next thing you know the cupboards are empty as the little robotic hoover type thing attempts to remove any risk of spillage. The next thing you know it will be in the bedroom, watching as you sleep. Wondering whether it should allow you to walk over the carpets. With your dirty feet. Terrifying. Even more terrifying is the fact that I can see some of these traits in my own hoovering! Perhaps I'm susceptible to some kind of hoover mind control. Or perhaps I'm my own version of a little robotic hoover type thing. Maybe it's time for Little Stalky to step away from the hoover.
Wait for the newer Mk 2 version that self recharges, and empties itself outside. Mk 3 will also do the laundry and make beds. Mk 4 will unfurl in the evening to become a 4 bed luxury executive style home in Bali.
ReplyDeleteI'm still working on Mk 5.
You truly are a genius.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure I'd trust one not to eat the pet hamster... Did you know inventors have produced a 'pet hoover' to vacuum your dogs with? What's new about that, the Dyson used to work perfectly well on Daisy! (And Rabby regularly gets hoovered after his haircut!)