I got another walloping on the way to work yesterday in the wake of some seriously angry weather. The weather was so angry, in fact, that I brought in the chilli plant for fear of him being spirited away in the winds! Yet faced with wind and rain I still undertook the walk to work. I was kitted out in the usual - waterproof trousers, jacket and inexplicably non waterproof trainers. I had to escort my "secret Santa" gift to work too so worked a number of plastic bags into the rucksack to ensure waterproofness (an official term). And of course I grabbed the trusty LPU. I thought I was prepared to face the elements but the wind was truly vicious and attacked us with great force. The LPU struggled, it fought, it battled to protect the Stalky but alas the LPU was beaten. I arrived at work a sad and bedraggled mess with hair curling and mascara running down my face. And my poor LPU was weakly breathing a sigh of relief as we entered the sanctity of reception. My poor LPU. Not a good start to the day. The LPU and I returned home after a particularly intense day at work and flopped on the sofa. The LPU and I turned on the TV and chilled out for the rest of the night with the chilli plant. Three weary, storm weathered folk.
So. They lie about Christmas barbies on the beach etc! Hope you bought a job-lot of LPU's.