
31 March 2011

Buying a New Computer: Not as Easy as it Looks!

Mystical Roo and I got a rather nice surprise the other day when were advised that I'd been overpaying tax for a year and would be getting a rebate.  Woo hoo!  You've got to love it when the government are giving you money.  This unexpected windfall has allowed us to treat ourselves and whilst Mystical Roo has his eyes set firmly on a surfboard, I intend to buy myself a new computer.  I have to say this quietly though, in case the laptop is listening in.  It's not that I don't appreciate my laptop, it's just that he's getting on a bit now.  When Word is freezing on you, you know there's a problem.  We've decided that a decent desktop computer will be a good investment as I can work more effectively from home and Mystical Roo can work in the evenings.  The trouble is, I have no clue what I'm looking for in a computer.  I'm desperate to order one, to get my new toy as soon as I can, but I'm hesitating because I'm scared I'm going to make the wrong choice.  If I lack confidence in my decision making then I immediately want someone else to take control and go, Little Stalky, that's the one you want.  Mystical Roo and I probably have similar knowledge when it comes to things like this so we're both a bit stuck.  We have our budget.  We know what we want the computer to do.  We just don't know where to get it.  At this rate I'm just going to end up choosing the one that looks the prettiest.....


  1. They all have the same stuff inside. So you're quite right; just go for the most attractive one (like with everything in life).

  2. I wonder if they do a leopard print version...


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