Adding to the war between Little Stalky's plants and the things that eat them is what appears to be a kind of green fly. Or aphid. Same difference? I have no idea. All I know is that a whole fleet of them have taken up residence on the chilli plant. So, that's caterpillars of doom munching on the lemon tree, an army of ants invading the strawberry plant and now a fleet of aphids on the chilli plant. So not impressed! What, do these bugs not like herbs! Not that I want anything attacking my herbs, but honestly! I was most distressed by this latest assault and knew I had to retaliate. As self appointed leader of the plant squad, I was required to concoct a plan. I think I've scared off the caterpillars but the ant baits have yet to have had an effect on the evil army of ants. So I took my Stalky self off to our local DIY store and went in search of a solution. I came back with a spray that promised to tackle various insects including ants, aphids and caterpillars. I cannot remember what this spray is called but it begins with P and uses natural ingredients to keep pests at bay. So I rushed back to the balcony to offer a solution for my babies. They've now been sprayed, offered words of reassurance and left to see if we can thwart the latest attack. On inspection I've noticed that the ant activity has pretty much ceased and my strawberry plant is once again happy. The aphids still seem to be stuck to my chilli plant but they've gone all still and stiff. I suspect I now have dead aphids stuck to the chilli plant. I've now got to spray on a weekly basis until bug activity stops. So the war continues. Maybe this time I'll have the last laugh.
By the way, the P stands for Poison. I still recommend soapy water on your plants every so often... works a treat.
ReplyDeleteI must say, I did try the soapy water on the lemon tree and the caterpillars haven't been back since. Will it work on aphids and evil ants?