
13 March 2011

Possum Sneak Attack

Well, we've returned from our camping trip, unscathed and with El Kenco still relatively sane.  We had an excellent weekend with Australia truly on top form, providing us with beautiful sunshine and an array of wildlife.  We arrived at Pretty Beach camping grounds in the afternoon and were met by a horde of kangaroos.  They were incredible and just everywhere.  Even in people's gardens!  We had to stop a couple of times to let them cross the road.  It was just amazing to see.  We set up our tent and promptly went in search of firewood so that we could have a campfire and heat up our curry.  Excellent fun.  The curry was a huge success and with darkness quickly approaching we settled outside of our tent with beer and snacks.  Then came the rustling.  The rustling?  Yes, the rustling.  Up in the trees the branches were shaking, the leaves rustling as something descended towards the camp.  Not a kangaroo.  Kangaroos don't climb.  Not a bird.  Too big to be a bird.  A tree dwelling shark?  Unlikely.  No.  It turned out to be a possum.  An actual real life possum.  I've never seen a possum in the wild before and was fascinated to watch this creature sneaking it's way down the tree and towards the camp.  Adorable creatures!  So cute.  Admittedly some people see them as pests, but with a face like that I would have let the possum get away with anything.  He shuffled his way down the tree, pausing every time we made eye contact before perching on the fence.  Mystical Roo approached, wondering what the possum would do next.  The possum stared him out and Mystical Roo returned to his chair.  Then, the next thing we know, the possum is making a break for it and heading towards the tent!  Hardcore possum.  He wasn't scared of us.  He knew his cuteness had us distracted.  And in the meantime he was headed for the food.  Ahhhhhhh!  When he realised he couldn't get into the tent the possum moved on into the camp.  Then, about five minutes later there was more rustling.  More rustling?  Yes!  And a second possum.  It took exactly the same route as the first.  Down the tree, on the fence, over the fence and towards the tent.  We established that if you shine a torch in their direction they freeze.  So we've seen the possum in the tree, hanging upside down from the tree by his tail, hanging over the fence by it's paws, hanging upside down from the fence by it's paws.  Hugely entertaining.  That night we retired to our respective sleeping bags, ready for a night's sleep.  But whilst we were ready for bed, the animals were just waking up.  Truly the night belongs to the Australian wildlife and they were having a whale of a time outside of the tent.  The possums and the kangaroos were out in force and we could hear them scurrying around outside of the tent, trying to find a way in and generally making a hell of a racket.  At one point I'm pretty sure there was a fight between a possum and a kangaroo with much grunting and screeching.  I'm not sure who won but it was a hell of a fight.  El Kenco admitted to needing the loo in the night but she was too scared to leave the tent.  The night belongs to the animals and she wasn't sure what she would find if she stepped outside.  A possum conga line.  Who knows.  When the possums and kangaroos moved on at dawn the birds awoke and started to sing to the sun.  Who needs an alarm clock when you've got kookaburras.  But it was fantastic.  Camping in the Australian bush with the weather at it's best and the animals roaming freely.  We'll definitely be back.


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