
14 March 2011

Joggers in Sydney: They're Freakin' Everywhere!

Today we took El Kenco and Biltong Boy on the compulsory trip to Sydney to see the sights.  It was a bit of an overcast day but that's not necessarily a bad thing when wandering around the city.  We parked up near Darling Harbour, took a water taxi over to Circular Quay and saw the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge.  Then we decided to take a walk through the Botanical Gardens before lunch.  We saw many of the notorious bum pinching birds!  Luckily there was no bum pinching today.  But I kept my eye on them.  I know their game.  Anyway, it turned out not to be the bum pinching birds that were the problem today but the ridiculous number of joggers.  There were joggers everywhere.  Absolutely everywhere!  Running this way, that way, on the pavement, over the grass.  Everywhere we looked there were joggers.  Fit joggers, less fit joggers, sweaty joggers, I'm-running-but-I'm-gossiping joggers, hardcore joggers, comedy arm joggers, panting joggers, dribbling joggers.  Joggers.  Freaking everywhere.  We couldn't get away from them.  They were dodging around us at every turn.  A couple of them even chose to let out a loud breath right next to me, causing me to jump in alarm.  Heavy breathing in my ear is never cool dude.  Never cool.  We started to feel out of place because we weren't jogging.  Walking was awkward but when we sat down we got given evils.  The joggers did not approve of our presence.  Damned tourists on their jogging route.  What I wanted to know was why, on a Monday morning, were all of these people not at work?  Maybe it was the official jogging hour or something.  All I know is that trying to get across from one side of the path to the other was like crossing a busy motorway.  I nearly got taken out by a jogger and Biltong Boy got left behind.  Trapped by a sea of joggers.  The insanity of it all.  It was exhausting just watching the buggers.  I'm all for being fit and healthy (well, mostly) but I think I'll stick to the yoga.  


  1. Maybe you should have stuck your foot out and just tripped them up.

  2. El Kenco and I discussed exactly this but decided we were out numbered

  3. A taut wire at neck height, perhaps?


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