One of the things that still amaze me about living here is seeing the pelicans that live by the harbour. They're such beautiful birds and spectacular to watch. They're also massive! I remember seeing one in a wildlife park in England and it seemed very offended every time I got close. I would walk over to have a look and it would just flap it's wings at me and snap it's beak. Mystical Roo would do the same and generated no reaction. Mystical Roo is obviously at one with the birds. I was therefore a little nervous when seeing the pelicans out in the wild but am pleased to report that so far there have been no incidents. Today, when I took a walk around the harbour with El Kenco and Biltong Boy, we saw the pelicans in their normal spot near the boat ramp. There were a few seagulls out trying to get attention but as usual the pelicans were in control. They're the silent strong types, but quite obviously the dominant bird. We watched them for a while as they sat and stretched and looked effortlessly cool. And I kept thinking that pelicans are really massive. I mean, really, really massive. I'm pretty sure I could hitch a lift on the back of one. Not that I would ever try. After that we wandered off in search of Sting, who remains as elusive as ever. If I find him, I shall photograph him and post his picture here. As long as I don't fall in the water.
I'm always incredulous that these birds actually get airborne. I think they're great.