
10 August 2011

Breakfast Rocks!

Ah breakfast.  The most important meal of the day.  I wholly agree with this.  For me, breakfast really is the most important meal of the day.  If I don't get fed at the appropriate time then I simply don't function.  This can lead to grumpy Stalky, sulky Stalky, confused Stalky and even shaky Stalky, though I'm pretty sure that's down to low blood sugar level.  Now breakfast for me is less about a specific time of day and more about a specific time in my routine.  Basically when I wake up I need feeding.  Regardless of what time it is.  If I have to be up at 04.00 then so be it but I still need feeding.  If I wake up at lunchtime I still want breakfast.  My favourite breakfast?  I don't need much.  A bowl of cereal and a cup of tea will do me nicely.  If you want to throw some croissants my way?  Hell I won't refuse.  If there's a fry up on the go then I'm not one to say no.  But generally breakfast consists of a cereal and tea often served in my matching breakfast set as pictured above.  How cool is my breakfast set?  It's pink and purple and has pictures of Eeyore.  Very cool.  Mystical Roo bought this for me as a gift one year.  That man knows what I like!  And look at the size of the mug.  How much tea fits in there?  A lot of tea.  Yeah!  I think everyone should have a matching breakfast set.  And I think everyone should have breakfast.  It sets you up for the day and kick starts your metabolism and what not.  The final word?  Breakfast rocks!

1 comment:

  1. I've never tried rocks for breakfast. Grapefruit, porridge and kippers!


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