Today's task at work has been to update the evacuation plans in the cabins. Basically I had to unlock the cabin, remove the old evacuation plan, peel off manky bits of double sided sticky tape from days gone by and then attach the new evacuation plan. Simple? Yes. But somehow I managed to get myself actually, properly stuck inside one of the cabins. I must admit I'd had a little trouble actually opening the door but thought it was just me being clumsy. The evacuation plans had to be stuck on the back of the door and so in order to do this I have to close the door behind me. This had not been a problem in any of the twenty odd cabins I'd done beforehand. But when I cleared away my things and gathered my bin bag I discovered that the door would not open. I wiggled that door handle with all my might but nothing was happening. And no it wasn't locked. This was not a more traditional case of Stalky stupidity. The tongue thing wasn't moving - wasn't having any of it - and the door was simply jammed shut. After a couple of goes (I even gave the door a big old push with my shoulder) I figured I was stuck. Then I felt a little tremor of panic as I realised this was the only way out. I couldn't even climb out of a window because they're all covered in fly screen. I know what you're thinking - major fire hazard! But no. I'm pretty sure I could put my fist through that fly screen or a chair through a window. I decided that would probably not be the best course of action seeing as how I'd only been stuck for a few minutes. At least I had a TV if I was in it for the long haul. Oh yeah and an ensuite. How very convenient. But I was frustrated. I had things to do and I didn't want to be stuck in a cabin. I had no phone with me so no way of getting word back to the office. I figured I'd have to get the attention of a passer by and ask them to get help. Again, not the easiest thing with the fly screen. You have to kind of squish your face up against it and hope your voice carries on the wind. A groundsman did actually whip past the cabin in a buggy but I was too slow to get his attention and I was left with a sad expression on my face as I quietly whispered help. I did call out of the window a few times but no one seemed to be around. Between calling out the window, peering out the window and generally looking sad I kept getting up to try the door. I had images of someone coming to rescue me only to open the door with relative ease. I wanted to make sure I'd given it my best shot. I didn't want it to be like one of those moments where you can't find something, then someone else has a look and it's right there in front of your eyes. I did not want to feel like a pillock. So this went on for a while, me calling and peering, but no one heard my cries. I wondered how long it would take for the girls to realise that I'd been gone a tad too long. Would anyone come searching for me? Would they think I'd just gone home without saying goodbye? Would it be left to Mystical Roo to realise I wasn't at home? Would Mystical Roo even notice? Would I not be found until the next set of guests were due to check in? By then I might have made a life for myself in the cabin and not wanted to move on. With that in mind I had another go at the stubborn door handle. I shoved the door, I grabbed the handle with both hands and I jiggled that thing like it had never been jiggled before. It clunked, it moved and then it opened. It opened! The relief was immense. I gathered my things and hurried back to reception where I announced that I had become locked in a cabin. The girls noted that they did think I'd been gone a long time and then remembered that a guest had remarked on their way out that the door was a bit dodgy. They were sympathetic and reassured me they probably would have noticed that I was missing at some point. Probably. The thing is, when maintenance went down to have a look at the door they couldn't really find anything wrong with it. They reckon I might have fixed it with all my jiggling. Well I'm glad I was able to do something useful with my time trapped in a cabin! Next time I go a wandering I'll be sure to make my time of departure noted and my expected time or arrival remembered. Then the next time I get locked in a cabin maybe someone will come and rescue me.
So, just another ordinary day then!
ReplyDeleteNever a dull moment in Stalky land.
ReplyDeleteLittle Stalky was heavily mocked today