
04 August 2011

The Lemon Tree Gets Invaded by Aliens and the Leafy Dude Gets a New Name

What is it?!
OK, there's a few things I want to share today from Little Stalky's garden.  Both inside and out!  Firstly, I've been checking the lemon tree a number of times a day and offering it words of encouragement.  I've even taken to patting it's branches but I'm not sure this is going down well.  Anyway, on closer inspection of the lemon tree I noticed two things.  One - there appeared to be weird tiny caterpillars attached to the branches.  Now I'm not sure if these are horned caterpillars of doom or something far more sinister.  Yes, they're smaller but they look far more alien.  They have the same colourings of the horned caterpillars of doom but are small - about the size of a Smartie - and round in shape.  I pulled one off with the secateurs and - this is not a joke, this is not a drill - all I saw was a little round mouth full of teeth.  Seriously!  It was like an evil alien invader, sucking onto the branch.  Disgusting.  Well I'm sure you can guess what happened next.  The offending creature got squished.  I found three of them in total and all three of them got exterminated.  I have no idea what these things are.  I got my Google on but found nothing that sounded similar.  Therefore I can only conclude that the lemon tree has indeed been invaded by aliens.  But that wasn't the only thing.  I noticed a small, red bud growing from the tip of one of the branches.  I have attached a photo in case anyone can help me but unfortunately the picture isn't great quality.  It's the phone and the shaky hand.  I apologise.  But I don't know if this red bud is a good thing or a bad thing.  Is it the start of a new leaf?  A new flower?  Is it some sort of growth that is hurting the lemon tree.  Again, Google was consulted but I could find no further information.  Maybe this red bud is the space craft in which the alien invaders arrived.  I don't know.  But I'd like to find out.  I want to know whether I should be encouraging this red bud or treating it with suspicion and caution.  Any suggestions would be helpful.  So that's the lemon tree.  

Leafy dude: AKA Peace Lily
The next thing is that I've discovered that one of my adopted plants is called a spathiphyllum.  I then discovered that a spathiphyllum is also known as a Peace Lily.  So, I have a Peace Lily.  Pretty cool huh?  Lets just hope I don't kill it!  But seriously, I try very hard not to kill my plants.  The Peace Lily seems healthy enough and I've done some reading on how to take care of him.  Apparently, if the conditions are right, he'll grow beautiful white flowers.  Who knew!  I thought he was just a leafy dude.  I had no idea there was the potential for flowers.  I still don't know what the other plant is called.  So there we have it.  That's the latest from Little Stalky's gardening antics.  We've got alien invaders on the lemon tree and a new identity for the Peace Lily who was previously known as the leafy dude.  What a morning!

1 comment:

  1. Flying saucers have been spotted in the Midi Pyrenees this week...


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