I've recently been on a recipe snaffling mission - stealing recipes from magazines. Stealing is probably the wrong word actually; it's not like I've been sneaking into shops and whipping recipes out of magazines without making a purchase. These are old, used magazines that get left laying around. I swoop on them, scour the recipes and rip out the ones I want. Then they get stuck into my little cook book, which is quickly becoming a fat scrap book of recipes. I have a number of recipes that I like the look of but haven't got round to trying but in the last week I've done three experimental dishes. Last weekend we had tequila prawns, last week we had paprika fish and last night we had fish cakes. Apparently I'm favouring fish. I do like to experiment in the kitchen but I'm not really a natural cook so there is much frowning over recipes and double checking of ingredients. All the dishes were a success but I think the fish cakes were my favourite. Nice and easy to make and very tasty. I made so much that we had plenty left over to freeze so it looks like fish cakes will be on the menu again in the coming weeks. Woo fish cakes! So we're in to experimental recipes at the moment and even raided the library yesterday for cook books. Again, raiding is not quite right. We went in like responsible citizens and borrowed the book. Officially. There was no stealing. Tonight it will be pumpkin risotto - a recipe learnt from Monster Noggin. I'm excited about this because it means I'll get to use herbs from the garden. Woo herbs from the garden. And now all this talk has made me hungry so I'm off in search of biscuits.
Fish cake recipe sounds interesting. I've never had much success with them. I shall have to snaffle your recipe!