
05 August 2011

Mini Heat Wave

We might still be in deepest darkest winter but we're also in the midst of a mini heat wave!  Yesterday it was 25 degrees and sunny.  I walked to work yesterday and was admiring the feeling of spring.  The sky was a deep blue with not a cloud in sight.  The trees were lush and green.  Birds were singing, children were skipping and all was well.  Beautiful.  It's been such a sudden change.  I've gone from wrapping up in my snuggie to wearing shorts and t-shirt.  The heatings been off and the doors have been open.  It's been glorious.  And it reminded me of just how hot this country can get.  I'm sure this heat wave won't last and that we'll have another cold snap before long but I feel the weather has now made a turn.  Summer here we come!  


  1. And here (in the height of summer) it's raining!

  2. It's going to rain for the next three days according to Meteo France. Good for mushrooms (although Rabby has forbidden me to go foraging)!


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