
13 May 2011

It's Hot and Chilly

I'm having one of those days where I've got lots to write about and don't know which tale to tell first.  I had a very exciting tale to tell yesterday, but obviously Blogger was down and I couldn't get it out!  I ended up telling Mystical Roo instead.  So I've decided I'll just have to do two posts today to make up for the one that didn't go out yesterday!  So today's tale from yesterday?  Well, I had a successful chilli harvest.  I know!  Exciting news.  I was whipping up a chilli for dinner and with the chillies turning red again, thought I'd throw some in.  Stalky fans may know that my previous chilli harvests have been somewhat disappointing.  So I went out onto the freezing balcony - yes it's bloody cold here at the moment - picked myself a chilli and returned to the kitchen.  I'd already added some chilli flakes to the chilli but set about cutting up the fresh chilli (are you following this?)  Normally I've been scared of trying too much chilli and so would nibble a little bite to see what the heat was like.  With disappointing results I figured I would cut the stem off and give it a good lick.  As you do.  Well, if I was cold before I wasn't after that.  It practically blew my head off!  What a kick.  And I was ecstatic.  I'd actually grown a hot chilli, suitable for the chilli.  A chilli suitable for a chilli.  Love it!  Well this had to be announced and as I said, I couldn't get onto Blogger.  So I launched into the bathroom where Mystical Roo was having a bath and insisted that he too lick the chilli.  He's used to these random requests and so didn't question it.  He gave that chilli a lick and confirmed that yes, it was a successful chilli.  So I chopped the chilli up with my trusty chopper and threw it into the chilli.  Please note that the licked bit was binned.  You never know who might turn up for chilli and with various chilli eaters reading this blog I wouldn't want them to think that I spit in their food.  I do not.  I'd like to confirm that the chilli was a great success.  Hot and flavoursome.  Delicious.  I'm so pleased I've shared that with you all.  It's hugely exciting!  


  1. Sorry to hear it's a bit chilly out in Oz, but a good chilli, with fresh chilli, should make it feel a bit less chilly.


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