
08 May 2011

Potential Possum Activity

A possum from Pretty Beach.  But does he
have a taste for pegs?

So there's been some mysterious activity on the balcony and I'm not talking about the caterpillars.  I had done some washing but being the forgetful Little Stalky that I am, had forgotten to retrieve said washing for the night.  The next morning I went out to get the laundry from the line and realised there had been a peg massacre over night.  There were pegs everywhere.  Absolutely everywhere.  The peg basket, which had previously been hooked to the line was now on the floor.  There were pegs scattered every which way.  There were pegs on the floor.  Pegs on the table.  Pegs in the washing basket.  Even a rogue peg in a plant pot.  Yet nothing else had been disturbed.  The plastic watering cans, normally first to escape at the vaguest hint of wind, were still in place.  The plants were fine (thank God).  The garden chairs were still.  But there were pegs everywhere.  Mystical Roo came out to assess the scene and confirmed with a nod that he suspected night time possum activity.  Possums?  With my pegs?  Possums playing with pegs?  Pesky possums playing with pegs?  I had not been aware that our balcony was prone to possum activity.  I have never seen a possum on our balcony.  Mystical Roo is pretty sure that he caught sight of a possum one night.  Just a glimpse.  Fleeing into the shadows.  With a peg in paw?  He wasn't sure.  But looking at the evidence Mystical Roo figured it looked like a possum had been up to no good.  Flinging peg baskets around.  Lobbing pegs.  What was it, some kind of peg fight?  I retrieved my pegs and returned them to the safety of the peg basket.  As yet there hasn't been a repeat incident.  But who knows what tonight will bring.  As long as the possum sticks to the pegs and leaves the plants alone then I'll be happy.  


  1. Pesky possums playing with pegs - is this a new tongue twister?

  2. I'm not a peg pinching possum, I'm a peg pinching possum's mate. I'm sitting pinching possum's pegs, cos the peg pinching possum's late.


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