Yesterday I went on a bit of cleaning mission and ended up tidying the house for about 7 hours straight, stopping only once for a tracker bar. By the time I'd finished I was stiff, tired and somewhat hungry. But I'd got into the swing of things and couldn't stop half way through. And it's not like the house was a mess or anything, I just seemed to keep finding little jobs to do. It started with the weekly chores and turned into a huge clear out, which resulted in the bedroom being decluttered and me tackling the ultimate task: cleaning out Mystical Roo's wardrobe. Mystical Roo's wardrobe has been in a state of disarray for months now. It got to the point where I had to tackle the damn thing or else all of my ironing efforts would keep going to waste. Firstly I decided to allocate Mystical Roo a drawer specifically for pants and socks. Because quite frankly a top drawer full of old business cards, receipts, empty packets and random tools is not a drawer well used. Instead, all of this stuff got chucked in a box. Mystical Roo may or may not need this stuff but seeing as how it's been sitting at the bottom of a drawer since we moved in I figure it will be just as happy in a box. If Mystical Roo can't find anything then he can look in the box. So a drawer of pants and socks was created. And I was happy. Until I moved onto the next task of pulling out all of Mystical Roo's clothes and rearranging them. By this point the clothes were no longer folded. All there was was a heap. Just a heap. So the heap had to come out and the clothes had to be refolded. Then I had to get the clothes on the top shelf of the wardrobe. The top shelf which I'm too short to reach. So, much jumping and grabbing and falling and cursing. After removing the pile - the big pile - I thought I'd try and create some sort of order. T-shirts worn on a regular basis, t-shirts worn on a less regular basis, jeans and shorts, work trousers, work tops, fluorescent work tops, warm work tops, random thermals that were bought for a trip to Russia but need somewhere to live regardless, sportswear, football shirts worn on a regular basis, football shirts worn on a less regular basis. It seems to me that Mystical Roo has a hell of a lot of clothes. The only trouble is, only half of it fits him anymore! Still, I think I succeeded in creating order and was pleased to show the results to Mystical Roo. Who, by the way, has promised to try to keep things tidy. To try. We'll see. For the time being I'm happy to have a spotless house. Evidence of a hard days work. That and a really stiff back.
If Lady M tried to tidy anything of mine, I'd have to shoot her!
ReplyDeleteA tidy wardrobe is very satisfying (but it never lasts). I have resorted to hiding certain garments belonging to Rabby to stop him from wearing his best clothes to do the gardening in!