
04 May 2011

May Update From Little Stalky's Garden

Looking stylish in white tubs

So we're now right in the middle of Autumn and the plants seem to be adjusting to the season.  Actually most of them just seem  to be continuing as normal but I can tell that the tomato plants have nearly had their time.  They've been happily producing a huge number of tomatoes but now they're wilting, their leaves are dropping and there is no more fruit.  Soon they'll move on to plant heaven where there's always sunshine, a nice bit of rain and plenty of tomato feed.  And no caterpillars.  They've had a good innings and I'll certainly plant some more in Spring.  The rest of the garden, as I said, seems to be continuing as normal.  The thing I have noticed though, is that the basil plant has become huge.  Just massive.  He looks so green and bushy.  I'm rather proud.  The oregano too is doing very well and looks nice and healthy.  I can confirm that both of these herbs also taste delicious.  We've taken a couple of cuttings now and used them as topping on Mystical Roo's homemade pizza.  Simply delicious.  I highly recommend it.  The mint is doing it's thing, plotting world domination, the lemon tree is definitely getting bigger, the rosemary is working had at growing bushier, the thyme continues to be massive and the chilli plant's second wave of chillies are starting to turn red.  I'm happy.


  1. Why not make your own Pesto! Basil, pine nuts, garlic, and olive oil. And Hey Presto it's Pesto!

  2. Ooh I like the sound of that. Do you have a recipe?


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