
28 May 2011

Little Stalky: Menace to Wine Glasses

I have recently become a danger to wine glasses.  I've broken two in as many days.  And that might not seem like much but this is not the first time this has happened.  I seem to break wine glasses in sets of two.  I break one and I can see the others quivering in the cupboard, waiting to see which will be next.  Because Little Stalky always breaks wine glasses in sets of two.  And true to form I broke another one whilst washing up this morning.  This is why we don't have expensive wine glasses.  The thing is, these wine glasses are normally fairly sturdy.  I've had some in the past which have crumbled in my hands but these are - or were - solid.  I've knocked them over and manhandled them and they've never protested.  But catch a glass at slightly the wrong angle and it's all over.  The first one went when I missed the draining board and cracked the glass against the side of the sink.  My aim was seriously off.  Glass everywhere.  And I hadn't even had a glass of wine!  The next one just tipped over whilst on the draining board but landed on a rogue spoon.  I think it was sick of the waiting and decided to just take the plunge.  Don't wait for Little Stalky to do the damage, just do it and then it's over with.  So now we're down to like two wine glasses that actually match, a novelty wine glass and a randomly large wine glass.  If we have more than 4 people over for drinks they'll be supping out of mugs.  I do of course have some stylish cocktail glasses but with my track record these only come out on special occasions and are normally reserved for margarita drinking.  I'll have to take a trip to Target and pick up some more cheap glasses.  Either that or just stick to plastic from now on.  It might be safer.

1 comment:

  1. My people had more sets of 5 glasses than I dare remember.


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