
23 May 2011

Little Stalky Goes to the Dentist

I've been putting it off for far too long but I've finally taken the plunge and gone to see the dentist.  I'm not really that fussed about going to the dentist, even if the last time I went they did steal four of my wisdom teeth.  It's more the cost of going to the dentist that troubles me.  Did I mention that those wisdom teeth set me back about $3,500.  You can see why I'd be nervous to go back.  But you've got to look after your teeth.  So today I went to the dentist.  This was the first time I've been to this particular surgery and I must say they were probably the best I've ever seen.  Ridiculously efficient and very friendly.  They knew who I was before I even walked through the door.  So I had various things poked around in my mouth - one of which I'm pretty sure was a laser - had an x-ray taken and was told that I needed a filling.  Noooooooo!  I'm upset simply because I have a perfect record.  I don't have any fillings.  But those damned pesky wisdom teeth had done some damage and now I have a tooth with a hole.  And the dentist said if I didn't get the filling then I'd be on to a root canal and if I didn't do that then I'd lose the tooth.  I'm not losing a tooth.  Yokel is so not a good look.  Damn those wisdom teeth.  Nothing but trouble.  So I'm booked in for Thursday for my first filling.  Wish me luck!


  1. Ouch! Too many fruit pastilles. What's your dentist called? Ours is Mr Smiley! :)

  2. I have 2 irrational fears; snakes and dentists (snakes in disguise).

  3. Well, best of luck to ya! It's really not bad; having a small spot in a perfect dental record is no big deal. Just keep taking care of your teeth. Continue to brush and floss, and you won't be needing oral surgery similar to the one you had for your wisdom teeth. There's nothing to be afraid of, so relax!


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