Little Stalky the (not so) Wise
Of the new experiences encountered in Australia, one of my least favourite has been having my wisdom teeth removed. One because it's not a very pleasant experience and two because it costs a shed load of money. Why did the wisdom teeth decide they needed to come out after we'd moved to Australia. Why couldn't they have come out in England. Why did they want to come out at all! I guess there's only so much wisdom a person can carry around with them, but still. So after crippling Mystical Roo with the news of how much the procedure would actually cost, we booked it in and got those teeth taken care of. All four of them. I actually had a horrible cold just leading up to the day of the operation and wasn't sure it was going to go ahead but apparently it wasn't in my chest so it was fine. If you ever have a nasty cold and can coincide it with having your wisdom teeth removed, the antibiotics and stuff will shift that thing out of you in no time. I felt fine after the op - apart from the mouth of course. I'm not very good with needles, pain, anything that's going to make me feel uncomfortable and unlike the time when I had ingrowing toenails removed (I'm charming aren't I) Mystical Roo was not allowed in with me and I had to be left...alone. Well, alone with the nurses and surgeon and anaesthetist. They were all very lovely and friendly and my accent once again became a talking point but nothing could stop the inevitable freak out that would occur once I saw those needles. Not cool! They ended up giving me laughing gas, just to get the needles in to put me to sleep. That stuff rocks. Everything was wonderful after I'd taken a few deep breaths and I went under giggling to myself and possibly drooling. When I awoke I was just really thirsty because the cotton balls that had been shoved in my mouth were absorbing all my saliva. I remember watching the nurses walk by as if in a dream and asking for a drink. At this point I was eager to get home but I had to lie still for quite some time. It was fairly boring but at least it was over. The dude in the bed next to me didn't react well to the anaesthetic and woke up shouting and disorientated. At this point, when the nurses were nice and busy, I decided I needed to be sick. I don't like to make a fuss but I had to interrupt. Excuse me I believe I'm going to be sick. Yes, you look rather pale. Yes, I did. And yes I did. Felt much better afterwards though. I was very excited to see Mystical Roo when he came to collect me and didn't really realise how dosed up I was until I went to stand up. Mystical Roo guided me back through the waiting room and to the car and I couldn't help but giggle. I'm pretty sure I was waffling like a drunk but don't recall much of what I was saying. I do know that I was dribbling. When we got into the car I was fascinated to see that my mouth was fairly bloody and my teeth were covered in red gore and slime. I looked like a zombie who'd been feasting on human remains. This amused me and I remember thinking it would be a fun idea to smile at young children when we were stopped at the traffic lights. I can't remember whether I got told off for this but I probably did. When Mystical Roo went to the pharmacy to collect my prescription I was told to wait in the car and not harass any more people. I think I spent the time alone talking to myself. When Mystical Roo returned we were discussing something that had annoyed us and I'm fairly sure I was going to kick someone's ass. That comes out really well when you can't open your mouth properly and have slimy teeth. Lovely. We returned to the house where Mystical Roo had been instructed to keep an eye on me. I was fed soup, through a straw before eventually moving up to choc pots. With the pain killers doing their job nicely the most frustrating thing about my recovery was not being able to eat properly. Man I was craving some pizza that week. But now the wisdom teeth have gone. Where to, I do not know. Maybe I should have asked for them back. I haven't had anything to offer the tooth fairy for a while and I want to see what she pays nowadays. Could have used that money to put towards the op!
They also make a very good necklace. Now, I'm off for some breakfast.... or maybe not!