Little Stalky Shakes her Fist at the Morning Shows
On weekdays when I find myself at home on my own I'll often have the TV on whilst I'm ironing or pottering and am confronted with all manner of morning shows. Now I don't mind these shows and sometimes enjoy the stories that they cover but I'm sick and I mean really sick of the constant advertising that goes on. I've honestly never seen anything like it and all I can think is how these shows have just sold themselves out. The worst thing is the presenters introduce the ad like it's some sort of segment on the show, like they've brought someone in specifically to talk about an exciting new product. Well that's just a lie because it's the same "segment" more than once a day, every day and on more than one channel. I don't think that the woman advertising scary face freezing gel has really been wearing the same outfit for a whole month and was able to jet between studios to appear "live" at the same time as her doppelganger on the next channel. It literally drives me loopy and once again I find myself shaking my fist at the television. Really I should put a DVD on or something but I only want a bit of background entertainment and not something I need to focus on. The trouble is, these adverts pop up every ten minutes or so and are usually preceded or followed by actual adverts meaning I've been advertised to for about 80% of the time I spent watching the television. Bah! What do people do who watch these programs on a regular basis? Surely they must get bored to death of watching the same advert over and over. Personally I change channel and I find myself ironing, picking up the remote to change channel, ironing, picking up the remote to change channel. I end up surfing between three morning programs just trying to avoid the damned adverts. If someone would just put on a show that didn't insist on showing me the latest delights of the Ab Circle Pro or whatever other crap they're trying to sell it would make me very happy. No wonder I always end up on the kids channels.
We should start a world-wide-campaign never to buy any product that has been advertised on TV. Can't you get BBC by satellite?
ReplyDeleteI like the sound of this campaign. Another cunning plan. Alas no satellite for me and Mystical Roo - just bog standard terrestrial.
ReplyDeleteEverytime I try and do the ironing and watch TV at the same time I end up ironing my fingers!!!
ReplyDeleteOuch. There's only one solution to that...stop ironing! Mwah ha ha