Mystical Roo or Mystic Moo?
I've noticed recently that Mystical Roo and I have started naming a lot of animals. I don't know when this started or why it started but as I write this I've just realised that we started referring to cows as Mystic Moos back in England and this is very close to Mystical Roo so could it be that Mystical Roo is actually a bovine creature?!?!? Ahem. Anyway, that's one thing. Cows - also known as Mystic Moos. I know it was El Kenco who came up with that one. My God, anyone reading this will wonder if I just make words up as I go along. Ahem. Anyway (again) I was thinking about the random naming of various creatures as we wandered around the harbour over the weekend. We saw the resident stingray chilling out near a boat and my immediate thought was, hmmm, what can we name this sting ray. Should we call him Sting? Should we call him Ray? Is that all just too damned obvious. Perhaps we should call him Fredericko just to be different. Why am I assuming he's a he. He could be a she. Perhaps we'll call him Lois. Perhaps he/she/it already has a name. Perhaps I should consult Mystical Roo. I don't think we ever came to a decision so the stingray continues to be simply known as - the stingray. Mystical Roo refers to the seagulls as Steven. As in Steven Segall. That took me a while to get but in my defence I wasn't really sure who Steven Segall was. I'm still not 100% sure but I believe him to be an actor of sorts. So now whenever I see seagulls I don't see seagulls but Stevens. We've even started nodding to the Stevens in acknowledgment of their presence and this is sometimes accompanied by an "alright Steve." We've also named the lizards that live outside the flat. These, I've decided, are normal lizards and not the stalking variety that bow down to a giant lizard/cat leader. Normal lizards. Whom we have named Eddie Lizard, Elizardbeth Taylor and Elizardberth Hurley. We have colourful parrots that live in the tree and we named them Johns because apparently there's a snooker player called John Parrot. Another fact that I was unaware of. We've also learned that these so called parrots are not parrots at all but rainbow lorikeets. They're still Johns though. Honestly, who do you know with the surname rainbow lorikeet?
Yes, I definitely went to school with a girl called Rainbow Lorikeet. Honest!
ReplyDeleteCan I suggest Sting Ray Charles. or Sting 'I don't half go on about rain forests' Ray.
ReplyDeleteEvery Seagull I've ever known was called Eff-off; but that's just the Brighton in me.