Little Stalky Wonders About the Wind
Well it's been mighty windy here today. So windy in fact that I started to wonder whether we had a hurricane coming in. My better informed Australian buddies were quick to advise me that this is quite normal for August. Quite normal! Christ! If I'd been caught at the wrong angle today then I would have been whipped off into a tree. Yes indeed the walk to work was a struggle. There was no rain or anything today and that makes for a much happier Stalky but I think I had to use twice as much energy just battling against the wind. At one point I kept drifting to the left of the pavement and couldn't work out whether the wind was really that strong, whether the head cold had caused me to become majorly off balance or whether somehow, I had become drunk. I imagine it was a mixture of the first two. I'm fairly sure I wasn't drunk. I definitely should have whipped out the earmuffs for today's journey as my little ears were rather red by the time I got down to the holiday park. You wouldn't think you'd need earmuffs in Australia but then you wouldn't think that wind like this was the norm either. At one point the wind was so fierce that it was opening the automatic doors, whipping through reception and stealing paperwork as it went. Damn paperwork stealing wind. How dare it! The trees were rocking, people were being blown about. I half expected a caravan to come floating by. Somehow the ducks seemed to be getting on ok, though I don't know how. They must be experienced. Hardcore ducks! So my colleagues reassure me this is normal weather but honestly, the amount of Ozzie tourists who came in to ask me about the wind. Is this normal? Apparently. Isn't this normal to you? No. Eeek! I was half tempted at one point to go outside with a couple of bin bags and see whether I could take off. Maybe I was drunk afterall...
Maybe you should buy yourself a buggy, fix a sail to it, and lo and behold you have your very own land yacht. You'd get to work in no time!
ReplyDeleteA land yacht. I love it!