Revenge of the Leopard Print Umbrella
Oh my God, I missed out on a serious snaffling opportunity! Lurking in the flat awaiting the return of Mystical Roo I hadn't even considered a mission to the post box; unbeknown to me there was some serious snaffling treasure out there! When Mystical Roo did arrive home he was holding many exciting looking letters and...a box. A box! I'm not sure where the box actually came from because that certainly wouldn't have fit in the letter box. I assumed all the exciting post would be for Mystical Roo what with it being his birthday soon and all (my he's getting on a bit now), but nay, there was exciting post for Little Stalky too! Woo hoo! I love exciting post. There wasn't a bill or a bit of junk mail in sight. Possibly the best post day ever. The best post day ever and I failed in my snaffling duties. Honestly! When I discovered the box was for me there was definite confusion followed by elation. A box? For me? Why would there be a box for me? Because the weather Gods wanted to set things right and replace the cool leopard print umbrella that was so cruelly snatched away from me! Oh yes. Inside the box was a brand spanking new leopard print umbrella. And it rocks. My walking to work action pack will be complete once more. The umbrella will find a new home tucked in the side of my rucksack, ready to be summoned in the event of precipitation. But I won't make the same mistake twice. Oh no. If there is high wind then I'll be using the hood only. I can't risk a) losing another cool umbrella and b) being whipped away into the trees Mary Poppins style. But where did this mysterious umbrella come from? Did Little Stalky blog fans read of my plight and want to make things right (love a random rhyme). And if so, how did these fans get my address? A mysterious umbrella indeed. But it's ok because I do know who sent me the umbrella - my number one fans - and I thank them because it was a totally cool surprise!
Just proves it pays to go for a good old snaffle! You never know what you might find.