
12 August 2010

Stumbling Stalky

Slipping over is one of those things that suck when it happens to you but makes you giggle when it happens to someone else.  I guess that's why we trip over in the first place - it's karma for laughing at someone else's tumble!  I fall over all the time; I just seem to trip over my own feet.  I've fallen over in the street, at school, at work, I've fallen down the stairs, I've fallen up the stairs.  I've fallen over on the spot.  Everyone falls over - it's how you handle it that counts.  It's normally better if you're with someone because then you can both have a laugh about it.  If you're on your own then you can have a laugh about it but then look like a crazy who is laughing to herself.  No, if you're on your own the best thing you can do is get up as quick as you can and carry on like nothing has happened.  I took a huge dive in a club once when me and Mystical Roo had just got together.  That was massively embarrassing, even though Mystical Roo claims to have seen nothing.  I remember walking onto the dance floor, feeling my foot slip in someone's spilt drink (this is why there's no drinks on the dance floor people!), flying up in the air and landing on my bum with a big bump.  Luckily for me I had two quick thinking friends who literally grabbed my arms and pulled me up again.  I had to confess my fall to Mystical Roo after not being able to sit down properly because of the big bruise on my butt.  Not cool.  I don't think I've ever seen Mystical Roo fall over, or even stumble.  I wonder how he remains immune.  Hmmm.  Maybe it's the geek in me that means I'm always falling all over the place.  At least I'm practiced in embarrassment and normally manage to get out of things with some pride intact.  Except when I fell down the stairs and started crying.  But no one was there to see so that's ok.  And it really did hurt!  Now that's another thing I've seen people do.  They trip, they fall, they sit, they fake an injury!  Now that's just drawing more attention to a bad situation.  Don't fake an injury.  It won't make people forget the fact that you just fell flat on your face.  It will make them remember it more!  The funniest thing I saw was a woman who tried to cross a track when a run was taking place (refer to previous post - this is never a good idea)  She didn't actually take out any of the runners but she did manage to trip on the edging and sprawl across the track.  Then she promptly started shouting at her husband because it had obviously been his fault that she'd fallen.  That's right, fall over and then blame someone else for your clumsiness.  Shame on you!  Everyone does it (apart from Mystical Roo apparently) and unless you really do hurt yourself you just have to move on.  Particularly if you've landed in a pile of poop.  Then you need to move on super fast and find yourself a change of clothes!


  1. I'm building up a great picture here. Hand stuck in letter box, poo filled bikini bottoms, falling over (probably drunk), covered in cow pats, and no teeth. Hmmm, interesting!

  2. Do you think you might have inherited the tendancy to laugh at other people falling over (especially if they are fat old ladies) from your mum?


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