The Wave Etiquette
The other day when I was walking to work someone started waving at me from their car but I couldn't see who it was. Just a hand waving. I figured it must have been me they were waving at because there wasn't anyone else around. Unless there were some invisible folk out there it must have been me. So I waved back. It seemed like the polite thing to do. But have you ever done that thing where you think someone is waving at you so you wave back but they're actually waving at the person stood behind you. Why is that so embarrassing! And why is that person, the one who is always being waved at, standing right behind you. Stand to the side dude. To the side! And the thing is, when you realise your error you don't just accept your mistake and move on. No, you start to come up with some elaborate idea to make it look like you didn't wave, even though you did. Like going into some sort of demented hand waving dance. I wasn't waving at you. I was dancing. Duh. Or flapping your hand through your hair as if to say, I was raising my hand to groom, not to wave. Honestly! Or you carry on waving, focus at some other person who was not waving and pretend you were waving at them all along. In reality if you just carried on with what you were doing it probably would have generated a lot less attention than the mad dancing. And that's a fact. So what's the moral of this story? Just don't wave at anyone just in case. No, that would be rude and simply take the fun out of waving. Wave at everyone all the time. Why that's just crazy. If someone waves at you, wave back and if the wave was not for you then carry on as normal and think how the person who initiated the wave was lucky to get waved at by you. An unexpected wave. What a nice surprise.
And we all know about 'not waving, but drowning'.
ReplyDeleteOnly yesterday I was in a supermarket car park when I noticed Lady Magnon waving at someone; as usual I ignored such behaviour. Then she did it again and I started to wonder if she'd become a member of some new 'Car Park Club'. I asked her 'sideways' who she was waving at and she pointed to a baby in a buggy. I don't know if this baby waved at everyone, but it had certainly taken a shine to Lady M.
Ha-ha, that is soooo embarrassing when you do that! I can really identify with the "I wasn't waving I was swatting a fly". (I like to wave to the cats in the courtyard; I'm sure all our neighbours think I'm mad!)
ReplyDeleteNothing wrong with waving at cats. Though I'd start to wonder if they started waving back!
ReplyDeleteLady M and I both waved goodbye to the Cranes yesterday as they flew over on their way south. Just thought I'd let you know!
ReplyDeleteExcellent! Did they wave back? Or did you get a wave from a rogue duck who thought the wave was for him?