
20 October 2010

Little Stalky: Star in the Making

Do you ever see pictures or footage of women with their hair blowing in such a way as to make them appear like ethereal goddesses?  They're normally looking thoughtful or have a dazzling smile.  I've often wondered about this look but have yet been able to achieve it.  It's not say I haven't been caught in the wind on numerous occasions, it's just that my hair will not do as it's told.  The wind will get me from behind and blow the hair in front of my face so as to make me look like Cousin It.  Or there'll be sea spray in the air and the hair will stick to my face.  Or I'll be wearing lip balm and the hair will attach itself to my lips.  Fairly sure that hairy lips is not a popular look.  But it's obviously not a natural breeze that gives these models that special kind of hair billowing effect.  It's probably a big fan or something.  But ingenious Stalky that I am, I have come up with another way, for those of us who don't have access to giant fans.  Get yourself a Dyson.  Or more specifically one of those Dysons that follow you round the house not the upright variety.  Now I'm sure you're thinking, that crazy Stalky, doesn't she realise that hoovers suck they don't blow!  But it depends where you're stood.  As I discovered the other day whilst doing my housework, if you're stood in the right position behind the hoover whilst doing the hoovering then you get a rather strong gust of wind heading in your direction.  And it whips your hair up into a right frenzy!  I was caught by surprise at first when my hair whooshed back from my face but then I realised the potential benefits.  Glamorous hoovering people!  I might look fairly ordinary in old jogging bottoms and a t-shirt but I can still have the glamorous hair-blowing-in-the-wind look whilst doing my hoovering.  And if I incorporate that with my compulsory singing and dancing whilst hoovering then I'm practically a pop star!  I could make a music video with my hoover.  I can sing above the roar of the hoover.  I can dance with the hoover.  And in turn the hoover can act as my portable fan as I groove around the house.  Little Stalky:  Star in the making!   


  1. A similar hair-effect can be achieved by putting your fingers in the electric socket. It even gives you an excuse not to hoover (from hospital bed).

  2. Please re-post your rocking chair piece. I used to have one similar with 'interesting' history!


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